
Our Roses

Argent Roses are available in three sizes and more than twenty dynamic colors allowing for endless imaginative combinations to form unique and expressive bouquets.   The deep rich colors of Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and more, that comprise our Jewel Tones can help empower strong emotional connections; while the soft vivid hues of Pink, Blue, Lavender, and others that embody our Frost/Precious Stone collection are ideal for celebrations and encouragement.


Our Copper Roses

The rose that started it all. Our copper roses are created from thin sheets of copper and brass, and sit on bronze stems and branches. The pieces for each copper rose are individually hand cut, welded and bent to form. And because the color of each petal is created naturally, every one of our copper roses varies in shade from petal to petal, making each rose as realistic and unique as a real rose.


Our Charms

In addition to the variety of sizes and colors available, we also offer the option of attaching a Charm to an Argent Rose for a more personal touch.  Add a unique Charm to a rose to commemorate an anniversary, celebrate a birthday, convey your feelings, offer congratulations, or simply express yourself.  



Every so often, Argent Rose Studios offers Seasonal Roses to celebrate holidays and events. Similar to our Limited Edition Roses, Seasonal Roses are created in unique colors that are not offered as part of out regular selection of Argent Roses but are only available for a limited time.


Our Selves

Argent Rose Studios is our workshop and small business located in Lexington, Virginia. Here we handcraft our unique steel roses from a combination of mild and stainless steel, airbrush them with our own blend of rich and vibrant color paints and then complete the process by adding an enchanting long-lasting rose scent to bring them to life.


Our Limited Editions

Our Limited Edition Argent Roses take the uniqueness of our steel roses to the next level.  These roses are created in one-of-a-kind color and/or color scheme that is only offered for one season and is then “retired” from production.  Each rose also comes with the corresponding Limited Edition charm and Year charm attached.  The Limited Edition roses are made in small, finite quantities which makes them a very unique gift or a great addition to your rose collection.



Our Bud Vases are a perfect way to display and enjoy your Argent Roses.  Not only is the brushed finish contemporary in appearance yet classic in function, but they also blend with a variety of decors while perfectly matching our Argent Roses.


Our Scenting Oil

As beautiful as our roses are, they are made even more enjoyable by the addition of our scenting oil — a floral bouquet reminiscent of fresh picked red rose petals. A small amount of oil is supplied with each order, along with a polyester scenting tab for scenting your rose.


Our Customers

Our customers give Argent Roses as gifts for special occasions such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, anniversaries and birthdays, or when they want a creative way to say “thank you,” “I love you,” or “I’m thinking of you.”  Our customers have frequently used Argent Roses in bridal bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres, event center pieces, as well as awards and group thank you gifts.