Welcome to the new website!

Take time to smell the roses…

Not to beat a dead horse, but 2020 was a pretty terrible year for most of us.  If you are an Argent Rose renaissance festival customer or Facebook or Instagram follower, then you already know that the 2020 season was all but cancelled.  If you are just finding us now, then let us quickly say that Argent Rose Studios has always relied heavily on in person sales at renaissance festivals and similar events across the country.  When Covid shut it all down, like just about everyone else, we had to scramble.

So, let us take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful customers and friends who stuck with us this far.  You all had your own trials to overcome, and yet you still put up with our website snafus, shipping delays and cancelations.  You ordered, you commented, you shared your photos and videos of your bouquets and roses—in short, you kept us going.

We will never forget your loyalty and graciousness. 

A fresh start…

We are so very used to dealing with all of our customers in person. Answering questions and helping pick the perfect bouquet is what we do. When you walk into our shops at our events, you are surrounded by color and scent, and hopefully greeted cheerfully and with a smile.

We wanted our website to feel the same way.

We didn’t want just another site that was one long scroll of items with no personal feel. Our goal was to create a page that immerses you in our roses—their colors, their shine, their beauty. And there are roses everywhere, with brightly displayed photos on every page, so you know how they look together and apart, in vases or loose, with and without charms.

We wanted to answer your questions, so we created pages that describe everything. Every item has detailed descriptions of what they are, how they are made, and when they are available. The Frequently Asked Questions page has all the questions we normally field in the shop, with ones we anticipated would be asked about the new website. There is background information about who we are and how we got started making roses, as well as a page dedicated soley to our customers. Still to come will be more detailed pages that focus on weddings and other events, and maybe some announcements about other projects.

We are just getting started.

We are still improving…

So this website is a work in progress. But we felt good enough about where we were with it to send it out into the world to meet you. Because we are novices at building websites, and because this site is template based, we could not make it do everything we wanted to do, exactly the way that we wanted to do it. We did our best, but it’s far from perfect. We hope that you will be able to navigate the pages and find the answers and items that you are looking for. We tried to make it as easy as possible to shop (check out the quick links in the drop down menus) and to provide a lot of info about every rose, every accessory and every aspect of the business. You can find this more detailed information by clicking on the named photos or the “learn more” buttons throughout the site.

Maybe I worry too much. Maybe in the modern world everyone knows how to navigate websites. I’m being a helicopter mom, aren’t I?

But this isn’t my baby, not alone, not at all. While my contribution was artistic, the real kudos for this new site go to my mostly unseen partner. He sometimes shows up at shows and some folks may know him, but he is elusive. And for the past 4 months he has been sitting alone in his office, poring over forums and videos, learning how to make this site.

I think he did an amazing job.

So, here we go…

This blog will be a weekly event, we hope, to share updates on our items, our shows and other things newsworthy. Occasionally we hope to feature stories about our customers, too. You share them with us, we will share them with the world. We want to see your roses and your smiles, especially while we are all distanced.

We will announce new colors here, and new items too. The 2021 Limited Editions will start again in the late spring, once the weather warms and we can get producing. Here is where we will announce seasonal colors, and hope to bring you specialty roses year round (think Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc). We will try to go more in depth about our colors and their meanings, rose meanings in general, and all things related.

This blog will post on our site, on our Facebook page (Argent Rose Studios) and Instagram @argentroses. If you are finding us on social media, you can find our website here: www.argentroses.com or www.argentrosestudios.com

Welcome to Argent Rose Studios new website.